Tableau Tales : Data Price

Benchmarking countries around the globe

For last couple of years, I have been using Tableau extensively for professional purposes. I found Tableau to be extremely user friendly with very lenient learning curve although automations and integration with R and Python leave much to be desired. The good thing is that there is a public version... [Read More]
Tags: Tableau, Analytics, Visualization, Data price, Telecom, tutorial

Predicting Olympics medalists

A #TidyTuesday Tidymodels adventure

After a few weeks of hiatus from #TidyTuesday, I am back with 27-July’21 dataset which is about Olympics. In this exercise, I will try to develop a model to predict medalists using a bagged tree model. This post is intended to workflow through a bare-bones model. So, we are not... [Read More]
Tags: Tidyverse, R, Tidymodels, TidyTuesday, tutorial

Tidymodels with GLMNet for Kaggle competition

Trying out #Sliced S01E02 datasets

Introduction Lately I have been indulged in learning all things tidymodels in my after office hours. But I was missing something - the effectiveness of my learning journey. Committing to large scale competition was unwieldy but then came #Sliced - a data science problem solving 2-hour sprint with small datasets.... [Read More]
Tags: R, Tidyverse, Tidymodels, tutorial

#TidyTuesday Water sources in Nigeria over the years

100+ years of water sourcing history

This week’s #TidyTuesday dataset is about Water Access Points sourced from Water point data exchange. TidyTuesday is a weekly data project aimed at the R ecosystem. The data was curtailed to select nations for this week. I only focused on Nigeria. The Outcome After 1980s, boreholes increased drastically in Nigeria... [Read More]
Tags: Tidyverse, R, Nigeria, Water, TidyTuesday, tutorial, gganimate