I believe that knowledge is the ultimate treasure and it should not be confined by mere academic boundaries imposed by ancient people. With democratization of learning, it has never been this easier as it is now. A new topic needs just the willingness and attention to learn, all other resources are waiting there for anyone who knows where to look for it.

This is my non-exhaustive learning log with verifiable links - not only to show off (obvious for a mere mortal) what I have learned so far but also to remind me of how they have had profound positive impact on my life thus far.

Professional Certifications


Data Engineer Associate

Tableau Analyst

HackerRank SQL Advanced

Certified ScrumMaster

Competitive achievements

Multi-course Specialization

Learner Profile

Translation Works

  • Bengali translation of Data Import with R packages like readr,readxl and googlesheets4 published on official RStudio cheatsheets page (Scroll to bottom for translations list- my beloved bangla is there)


  • Few assessments I took for benchmarking thyself in DataCamp (No shareable link - only for planning own learning route) - Scores are in percentile - Higher is better

    • Understanding and Interpreting Data - 99% (Mar’21)
    • R Programming - 96% (Dec’21)
    • Statistics Fundamentals with R - 89% (Dec’21)
    • Importing & Cleaning Data with R - 95% (Dec’21)
    • Data Manipulation with R - 89% (Dec’21)
    • Data Visualization with R - 99% (May’21)
    • Data Analysis in SQL (PostgreSQL) - 74% (May’21) 96% (Jul’23)
    • Data Management Theory - 82% (Jul’23)

Miscellaneous Courses



Machine Learning

Network Science



Machine Learning

Text Processing

Network Science

Big Data