As the World slowly ventures into 5G era, I think this is a good time to trace the trail of wireless cellular technology adoption by countries over the years. Hence, this visualization charting the adoption of 3G,4G and 5G. Few Notes: By 3G, I picked only 3GPP standard of WCDMA....
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Visualizing Bangladesh #5
Labor force participation by gender over the years
This is the fifth entry in my series of Visualizing Bangladesh. This time an animated chart of labor participation rate by male and female over the years for people aged 15-64 years . Female participation rate vastly improved (+11 pp in just last decade) and the gap is closing in...
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Visualizing Bangladesh #4
Population Mix over the Years
This is the fourth entry in my series of Visualizing Bangladesh. This time an animated chart of population mix over the years. Bangladesh will be primed with youth working population between 2020 to 2030. It is hammer time for economic progress.
Data Source: World Bank (2019 November)
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Visualizing Bangladesh #3
Mobile Telecom Subscriber by Year
This is the third entry in my series of Visualizing Bangladesh. This time an animated chart of mobile telecom subscriber trend with key events from 2001 onwards. Mobile telephony in Bangladesh actually started in 1989 but due to subscriber data unavailability, I have to start from 2001. If any kind...
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Resolution Wars: October 2019 Update
Business as usual : HD declining fast with FHD gaining faster
On 2017, I began analyzing mobile device releases and the change of resolution over the years. This is the 4th iteration of that. You can check the last one here - (Resolution Wars: Q4 2018 Update) . It’s been almost 9 months since that article and I think its about...
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